We have now completed our first week of distance learning and everyone has worked so hard not only in adjusting to a different way of learning and getting better but a different way of organising our days. The work I have seen being produced across ALL Primary classes this week has been outstanding with children and teachers working so hard. I have seen such varied learning from building a Taj Mahal in year 1 to designing arthropods in Year 5. A big well done to everyone! 

Mrs Samantha Petchey


Nursery and Reception. In reception the children have been learning about ‘Under the Sea’ and Nursery have been learning about ‘On the Farm’.

Children have been working on counting, ordering and adding in maths and consolidating their learning in phonics.

Thank you to all EYFS parents for being so supportive at home and uploading a staggering amount onto Tapestry!



Year 1 have been learning to tell o’clock and half past times in maths also we have started to learn to measure different items. In English we have read the book The Odd Egg and now we are producing our own Egg Spotters Guide books, so that there isn’t a mix up with eggs again!



In Year 2, have drawn some great pictures of castles and labelled each part. They have also described knights using adjectives. In maths, they have been learning how to do division questions by sharing equally. Last week, Year 2 took their bean plants home and they will be closely observing their growth over the next few weeks. Year 2 have been working very hard to adapt to online learning and they are improving their computing skills every day. 



This week we have followed our usual curriculum and timetable, so our lessons have included all of our normal subjects. The children have been working very hard at home to do their lessons in a different way.

Their amazing learning is the fact that they have adapted with resilience to fast changes in circumstances showing their flexibility and willingness to work hard and to create a routine for working at home. This links to the school’s TENSILE ethos. It also includes new learning: how to use email through Gmail, find and use Google Classroom in a short time, how to post work and ideas and upload photographs of work. Their keyboard and typing skills are also improving.

Some examples

In Science, Ale investigated mirror writing (in our topic on light and reflection) – attached.

In ICT, children have made some posters about their learning (Enrique’s and Pablo’s attached).

In English the children have started to write the opening section of their own fable (work from Eli, Ale)



Year 4 has produced some amazing work during their first week of distance learning.  We have continued with our cross-curricular topic of the Vikings, focusing on a study of our favourite Viking Gods and Goddesses.  We have also looked at using speech punctuation in our own retelling of the myth of “Thor’s Lost Hammer”.  

We have designed posters to remind ourselves of the different types of punctuation that we can use. (examples attached)

In Maths we have been consolidating our understanding of how to tell the time using both the 12 hour and the 24 hour clocks, together with learning how to calculate time intervals. 

In Science we are learning how to group animals and identify their characteristics.


What a learning curve! Year 5 have been amazing! Each day they are accessing their work using Google Classroom and learning how to find all their work in different classrooms. In topic we’ve seen all sorts of arthropod designs and a leaflet explaining all about its features. The children researched caterpillars and then wrote a report using the report features they’ve learnt. Well done Year 5!


Year 6: Quadrants and coordinates, Greek Myths and how to help our families at home.

Year 6 have been working really well from home and the children are all trying their best. I am very proud of them. We have been continuing to do lots of exciting learning; In maths we’ve been drawing quadrants and learning how to plot coordinates, draw shapes and ‘translate’ them onto another part of the grid. It’s tricky but the class are trying their best. In English we’ve continued to complete our fantastic Greek Myth playscripts,which I hope to perform when we return to school. In topic, we are making a powerpoint about Crete- the island that is steeped in Greek mythology and in PHSE we’ve been learning how to help our families at home, as much as possible, during this challenging time. 

Español y Sociales

Los niños y niñas de Reception se esfuerzan mucho en casa por seguir llevando a cabo su aprendizaje en lectoescritura. Practican la lectura de sílabas, palabras y oraciones así como la escritura de sílabas con la letra que estamos trabajando actualmente, la «m»

Niños de Year 1 y Year 2 (Lola y Andrés) han realizado normas para tener una mejor convivencia en distintas dependencias de la casa. ¡Una idea muy creativa y muy beneficiosa para la convivencia de todos los miembros de la familia en estos momentos de «Yo me quedo en casa»! Esto les ha ayudado en la práctica de su escritura y caligrafía en Lengua esta semana. ¡Buen trabajo!

En sociales han estado también trabajando el reciclaje desde casa y han realizado murales para concienciarnos de lo importante que es recilar y cuidar del medioambiente.